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TGPSC Group 2 syllabus in English

TSPSC Group 2 Syllabus comprises with 4 papers as mentioned below.

tspsc group syllabus in english
Telangana Group 2 Syllabus

Paper 1 – General Studies and General Abilities

  1. Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
  2. International Relations and Events.
  3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
  4. Environmental Issues; Disaster Management – Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
  5. World Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Telangana State.
  6. History and Cultural Heritage of India.
  7. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
  8. Policies of Telangana State.
  9. Social Exclusion, Rights Issues and Inclusive Policies.
  10. Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  11. Basic English. ( 10th Class Standard)


I. Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana.

  1. Salient features of Indus Valley Civilization: Society and Culture. -Early and Later, Vedic Culture; Religious Movements in Sixth Century B.C. – Jainism and Buddhism. Socio, Cultural and Economic Contribution during Mauryas, Guptas, Pallavas, Chalukyas and Cholas – Administrative System. Art and Architecture – Harsha and the Rajput Age.
  1. The Establishment of Delhi Sultanate-Socio-Economic, Cultural Conditions and Administrative System under the Sultanate –Sufi and Bhakti Movements. The Mughals: Socio-Economic and Cultural Conditions; Language, Literature, Art and Architecture. Rise of Marathas and their contribution to Culture; Socio-Economic, Cultural conditions in the Deccan under the Bahamani’s and Vijayanagara – Literature, Art and Architecture.
  2. Advent of Europeans: Rise and Expansion of British Rule: Socio-Economic and Cultural Policies – Cornwallis, Wellesley, William Bentinck, Dalhousie and others. The Rise of Socio-Religious Reform Movements in the Nineteenth Century. Social Protest Movements in India –Jotiba and Savithribai Phule, Ayyankali, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker, Gandhi, Ambedkar etc. Indian Freedom Movement – 1885- 1947.
  3. Socio-Economic and Cultural conditions in Ancient Telangana- Satavahanas, Ikshvakus, Vishnukundins, Mudigonda and Vemulawada Chalukyas. Religion, Language, Literature, Art and Architecture; Medieval Telangana – Contribution of Kakatiyas, Rachakonda and Devarakonda Velamas, Qutub Shahis; Socio – Economic and Cultural developments: Emergence of Composite Culture. Fairs, Festivals, Moharram, Urs, Jataras etc.
  4. Foundation of AsafJahi Dynasty- from Nizam –ul- Mulk to Mir Osaman Ali Khan – SalarJung Reforms; Social and Economic conditions-Jagirdars, Zamindars, Deshmuks, and Doras- Vetti and Bhagela system and position of Women. Rise of Socio-Cultural Movements in Telangana: Arya Samaj, Andhra Maha Sabha, Andhra Mahila Sabha, Adi-Hindu Movements, Literary and Library Movements. Tribal and Peasant Revolts: Ramji Gond, Kumaram Bheemu, and Telangana Peasant Armed Struggle – Police Action and the End of Nizam Rule.

II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics

  1. Evolution of the Indian Constitution – Nature and salient features – Preamble.
  2. Fundamental Rights – Directive Principles of the State Policy – Fundamental Duties.
  3. Distinctive Features of the Indian Federalism – Distribution of Legislative, Financial and Administrative Powers between the Union and States.
  4. Union and State Government – President – Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers – Powers and Functions.
  5. Indian Constitution; Amendment Procedures and Amendment Acts.
  6. Rural and Urban Governance with special reference to the 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts.
  7. Electoral Mechanism: Electoral Laws, Election Commission, Political Parties, Anti 33 defection Law and Electoral Reforms.
  8. Judicial System in India – Judicial Review; Judicial Activism; Supreme Court and High Courts.
  9. a) Special Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
    Backward Classes, Women, Minorities and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).
    b) National Commissions for the Enforcement – National Commission for Scheduled Castes,Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women, Minorities and Human Rights.
  10. National Integration issues and challenges: Insurgency; Internal Security; Inter-State Disputes.

III. Social Structure, Issues and Public Policies